Yacht maintenance

How much should we spend on a yacht?

Owning a yacht is the dream of many people. And the services concerning yachts are more and more numerous. Whether it’s for purchase, charter or regular borrowing. For each service, a range of services is offered and it is the…

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Some tips about yacht insurance

Today, yachts are considered a symbol of social success and wealth. Those who own one or more models are the billionaires. Yacht insurance is essential for this type of vehicle. They are subject to the same navigational risks as semi-rigid…

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Caring for your yacht: what about wintering?

It is essential to maintain the boat at the arrival of the winter period to avoid the risk of premature wear of parts and hull. It may be a daunting and time-consuming task, but if it is done properly, you…

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Maintaining your yacht: focus on technical control

To get through the winter season without major damage, you need to maintain your yacht. A technical yacht inspection during this period allows you to start a new season next summer with peace of mind. This inspection concerns the engine…

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How much does it cost to maintain a yacht?

A yacht is not given to everyone, as it is currently only within the reach of 200,000 people in the world. Being a living proof of luxury, owners often worry about the cost of their maintenance, which is often very…

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