To get through the winter season without major damage, you need to maintain your yacht. A technical yacht inspection during this period allows you to start a new season next summer with peace of mind. This inspection concerns the engine in particular. The boat itself must also be repaired and cleaned, especially if it has suffered damage. Admittedly, the work will take time and effort. However, this allows you not to jeopardize your safety. Your next pleasure on the water and your investment are also at stake.

Avoid corrosion and blockages with flushing

First of all, maintenance begins by flushing the engine with clean water. This precaution must be taken for yachts that sail on the sea. Remember that sand and salt are the main sources of corrosion and blockage of the elements. Therefore, they must be eliminated.

Protecting your engine with fuel stabilizer and antifreeze

The fuel will degrade if you keep it in the tank for many weeks. This leads to the formation of clots that will prevent you from restarting. To avoid this, you fill your tank to 95% by adding a stabilizer to the appropriate fuel. Afterwards, you run your engine for about 15 minutes so that the stabilizer is better mixed. If you add "sail oil", it practically vaporizes in the air intakes and cylinders and prevents cylinder corrosion. If the water left in the cooling system freezes, it creates a crack in the engine block, which is why it's a good idea to flush the system with antifreeze. An antifreeze containing propylene glycol is recommended for temperatures down to -30°C.

Caring for and cleaning the yacht before winter

The yacht's technical inspection also includes the inspection of the deck and hull. First, you do the control or inspection to make decisions about what to do. Your yacht may be subject to a simple crack in the paintwork or something a little complex that requires professional advice. You clean the dirt, moss and small shells from the hull. It is necessary to remove the larger ones with a scraper. Then you clean the hull with high pressure. You disassemble the removable electronic and electrical equipment. Their storage in a dry place is strongly recommended. The non-removable parts must be protected against corrosion with a water-repellent gel such as WD-40. Do not forget to inspect the propeller and the condition of the blades.